Collagen and elastin are two proteins found within the skin which work together, keeping the skin firm and smooth. As we age, many processes in the body slow down, including the production of these proteins. Because the process has slowed down, less collagen and elastin are produced within the skin, which means that it loses its elasticity and tautness.
The skin also becomes looser as we age, this is caused by a loss of fat beneath the skin and also reduced levels of hyaluronic acid, which plays an important part in the growth of new skin cells.
Due to gravity, once our skin becomes less elastic and more loose, it is less able to “spring” back into shape and begins to sag downwards, resulting in jowls, “turkey neck” and drooping eyelids.
Certain lifestyle factors, such as overexposure to the sun and frequent smoking can also speed up the ageing process, resulting in premature ageing.
Sagging Skin Treatment
Hyaluronic acid fillers can be injected into areas of the face that have lost volume as a result of ageing. This plumps up the area and lifts the skin that has started to sag.
This can be injected around the jawline in order to relax the muscles, which allows the muscles of the upper face to become stronger, giving a lift to the sagging skin.
Profhilo uses stable, hybrid complexes of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) at high and low molecular weights. It acts as a skin remodelling product to hydrate the skin as well as stimulate all four types of collagen and elastin to assist with sagging skin. Profhilo also has one of the highest concentrations of HA for any product on the market.
Sunekos is an injectable treatment containing amino acids and Hyaluronic acid. It is designed to stimulate the fibroblasts in the skin, producing a complete mix of collagen and elastin, which tightens and plumps the skin.