Botox can be used to soften and significantly reduce the appearance of the lines and wrinkles that appear on the forehead and around the eyes.
When we talk about using Botox to address lines and wrinkles on the face, we often refer to "3 areas". These 3 areas are;
- The horizontal lines that develop across the forehead
- The vertical "frown" lines that develop between the eyebrows
- The "crow's feet" that develop around the corner of the eyes.
These lines and wrinkles develop due to repeated muscle movements, such as frowning, raising the eyebrows and smiling. By injecting small quantities of Botox into these areas, we relax the muscles, thus softening and improving the appearance of the lines.
You may choose to have just one area treated, a combination of two areas (many patients have both their forehead and "frown" lines treated together), or all three areas. Your aesthetic practitioner will recommend the best treatment approach for you, taking into account the severity of the lines, your muscle movement and your desired outcome following treatment.
Prices for Botox Facial Rejuvenation
Female Patients