Getting To Know You - Judit

We've got just a few more "Getting To Know You" posts for you, so we thought we'd try and get them all out this week - let's see if we manage it! 

Today it's all about Judit who is our Junior Beauty Therapists at Woodlands Aigburth. 

Judit started working at Woodlands in January of last year but she's got a lot of experience in beauty having worked in various different beauty jobs over the past seven years. 

Those of you who've met Judit may have noticed that she's fantastic at nail art, so it's no surprise that nails are her favourite treatment to do. 

Surprise, surprise, like most of our therapists, when Judit gets to treat herself at Woodlands her favourite treatment to have is a massage. 

When we asked Judit for her best beauty tip, she gave us one we hadn't heard of before - try using Vick's Vaporub as a treatment on your nails as it's great for moisturising and protecting them. 

Outside of work, Judit enjoys ice skating, reading the Bible and spending time with her husband, who she married in the Summer (yes, we know, we had so many weddings last year!)